
[Mercedes Benz Sprinters Page 1]

[Mercedes Benz Sprinters Page 2]



[Command Vehicles]

[Easter Show 2002]

[Former Ford F Series]

[Opening of NSW Parliament Parade]

[Patient Transport]





New South Wales Ambulance Service - Transporters


These ambulances are smaller than GMC or Mercedes model of Ambulances and are used for specialist transfer duties.


This model of Ambulance is a Volkswagen Transporter and is mainly designed for the transport of new-born babies that need ambulance transit and is smaller than the Mercedes Benz Sprinters. 538 was sighted on standby near the set of TV medical drama "All Saints". On this day, filming was on location at the former SRA Redfern Carriage Workshops. October 2001.

This model of Ambulance is a Ford Transit  Transporter and used to transport patients from the Careflight or Childflight heliport/base to Westmead Hospital or Westmead Children's Hospital after being flown in by helicopter.  795 was sighted at Westmead November 2001 (top photo) and January 2002 (bottom photo) near the Careflight helipad. 


Page last updated 02 February 2002




For more info on the Triple 0 Emergency Service in Australia, click on the graphic above - info thanks to the NSWFB.

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